Leilah Milanni has finally graced us with her presence! Born February 21st at 12:28pm. 7lbs 15oz 19 inches long. I am in love :) We arrived at the hospital at about 5:30am, only at 4cm and contracting about every 5-6 minutes. I started walking in the hallways to hopefully dilate more, after about 30 minutes of walking the contractions grew to a whole new level, one that brought tears to my eyes but at last I was at 6cm! Woo hoo! Time for a room and a epidural! I then was good for a bit, back labor set in though and the epidural didnt do a whole lot for that. Still it really did help overall. I dilated pretty quickly this time but my cervix was slow to thin out all the way. Once we got past that, it was 3 pushes and she was OUT! Oh the relief! Proud to say I only needed one stitch ;) Here are a few of the beautiful images Karen took of little Leilah at two days old. Thank you Auntie Karen!!!

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