Monday, October 24, 2011


Recently a good friend of mine brought their first baby boy into this world...he is just beautiful by the way. Anyhow It got me thinking about my own children, each one of their very different yet equally and uniquely captivating. It is so very amazing to me how fast our children grow! The "time of the newborn" seems to already fade after just two weeks...with each coming month they learn and absorb so very much. Amazing we humans and especially us woman, what are bodies can do is beyond me. So the more I thought about my babies, the sadder I became...with life being life, ya know with the crazy work hours, busting our butts day after day I just dont take the time I should with my children. I mean dont get me wrong they arent ignored by any means but I mean that one on one quality time. With me trying to build my business right now I really feel like I neglect them...I always seem to have a million things do, am doing and a million more on the waiting list... I gave myself a reality will still go matter how great or crappy it is, but the time now, that I let pass me by without more one on one time with my kids...well that...I will never get back. So here is to more days outside playing in the backyard, more park trips, more mom and son lunches, more laughs and more smiles, because time doesnt stand still and there are memories to be made :)

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